Le consortium CORLI et les GDR LIFT et TAL organisent un événement autour de la venue d’Amir Zeldes le lundi 15 mai de 14 à 17h30 à Paris Cité (Campus des grands moulins, Bâtiment Olympe de Gouge).
Des sessions de formation CORLI seront organisées, en parallèle, les 16 et 17 mai
Lundi 15 mai 2023 – 14h à 17h
Où? Salle 720, bât. Olympe de Gouges
- Présentation du consortium CORLI et des GDR LIFT et TAL
- Conférence d’Amir Zeldes suivie d’une table ronde autour de l’annotation de corpus et des corpus annotés.
Participant.e.s à la table ronde :
– Amalia Taudirascu
Crafting Rich and Diverse Data for Computational Models of Discourse
Thanks to pre-trained language models, computational tools are now better than ever at extracting entities, events, and other information from arbitrary text and speech. However, models are only successful and useful when they learn from the right kind of data, making the representations and materials we choose, and what we teach practitioners in the field, more important than ever. In this talk I will present the Georgetown University Multilayer (GUM) family of datasets, which are constructed as part of the Computational Linguistics curriculum at Georgetown, and target discourse level representations of spoken and written language across 20 distinct text types. After discussing tools, architectures and pedagogical challenges for developing data in an academic curriculum, I will present a series of studies illustrating the added value of richly annotated resources, the importance of genre diversity, limitations of current models and some new theoretical directions in computational discourse models. Our results show that carefully crafted datasets are crucial for a range of popular tasks, including salient entity recognition, Wikification, coreference resolution, automatic summarization, discourse parsing, and more.
Mardi 16 mai 2023 – 10h à 12h30
Où? Salle 531, bât. Olympe de Gouges
- Réunion du projet CORLI-GUM
Informations pratiques
Université Paris Cité – Campus Grands Moulins
8 Place Paul Ricoeur, 75013 Paris
Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges
Lien Google Maps
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