Langue | Anglais |
Format des métadonnées | TEI |
Accès | CC BY 4.0 |
Site | ORTOLANGLien vers le corpus |
Mots-clés | discours politique, débats parlementaires, Europe |
Type de textes | Parole scriptée/préparée |
Taille du corpus | 188 913 mots (manque une année) |
Auteurs des textes | OUI (Locuteurs) |
Dates | OUI (jour/mois/année) |
Notes | Description des locuteurs : ID, nom complet, sexe, poste occupé, afiliation, parti politique, lieu de résidence, nationalité |
<u who= »#ANDERSON »>
<seg>It now looks as if Kosovo will be seen as a famous victory for international order and justice, but one thing is clear from the conflict: the reputation of my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and the United Kingdom has been mightily enhanced by he clear leadership that he and other Ministers have given. How does my right hon. Friend propose to reach beyond the Milosevic Government and get the message clearly to the people of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia that they have no future under Milosevic and that they must have a leader who is capable of mending fences with the west? How can he ensure that war crime investigators enter Kosovo speedily to ensure hat the evidence of war crimes is not destroyed by the barbarians?</seg>