Following the implementation of the GDPR, the guide “Humanities and Social Sciences and the Protection of Personal Data in the Context of Open Science” (2019 edition) has been released.
Feel free to give feedback to Emilie Masson (emilie.masson[replace_by_at] on this topic.
In 2018, “La diffusion numérique des données SHS : Guide des bonnes pratiques éthiques et juridiques”, directed by Véronique Ginouvès (2018), has been published. [“Digital Dissemination of Human Sciences Data: A Guide to Good Ethical and Legal Practices”]
Best practice guides regarding legal aspects
Other guides that predate the GDPR framework were written at the request of the IRCOM Consortium (TGIR Huma-Num).
Currently, they are working documents – the content remains the property of the authors. No distribution or exploitation can be made without the authorization of the rightful owners.
- Protection des données personnelles, de la vie privée et de l’image, Nathalie Mallet-Poujol (2014) ; (Protection of personal data, privacy and image)
- Droit de la propriété intellectuelle, Agnès Robin ; (Intellectual property law)
> QuECJ (Ethical Issues and Legal Framework) network-group page