Interactions with CLARIN

Resource Family for Sign Languages, CLARIN online!


CLARIN website – available here – lists sign language corpora and lexicons.

Marie-Anne Sallandre – coordinator of the Multimodalities and New Forms of Communication network-group – has worked on the gathering of French Sign Language resources as an sign language expert for the CLARIN K-Centre, CORLI.

Scientific day – September, 5th, 2017

With the aim of presenting ERIC CLARIN, CORLI (Huma-Num) organized workshops on the 5th of September, 2017, in an effort to bring together members of the scientific community who are interested in corpora and language data related issues. Indeed ERIC CLARIN is a European structure whose objective is to federate European efforts made around language data, for all languages, for all fields. France having joined CLARIN in 2017 as an observer, it seems important today to present to the French community what participating in CLARIN can offer. Why, and how is it possible to get involved individually or collectively in CLARIN?

To answer these questions, the workshop was organized into three parts:

  • A presentation from French organizations maintaining or planning to establish work ties with CLARIN (Human-Num, leader of the French participation, and the CLARIN centers Coccon, SLDR, and Ortolang).
  • A presentation by four European researchers from countries members of ERIC CLARIN who came to present (in French) feedback of their experience and exemplified possible types of collaboration with this infrastructure:
  • A roundtable discussion with all guest-participants and members of the public concluded the day with a focus on how to get involved in CLARIN or how to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the infrastructure (e.g., in terms of identifying available language resources) – Summary

To learn more about the possibilities offered by CLARIN, visit their website and try out one of the many tools developed and that can be used by linguists: