Coordination: Flora Badin and Katja Ploog

Data in language science are often personal data in the sense of the RGPD, which should be subject to specific measures to protect participants. Practices and questions regarding our community, with an eye towards adopting adequate protocols for the use of these data, which are sometimes quite sensitive; coming from care/treatments; collected in a vulnerable population, etc.

We take a trans-sectional view, reconsidering the practices of linguistic sciences in order to find, together, solutions to more or less specific problems posed by our data, and facilitating the uniformity of future work.

An initial portion of the work was carried out under previous linguistic groups (see best legal practice).

The short term objective consists in establishing an overview of data collection practices and of data treatment and establishing a set of common practices that have already been put in place.

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Nom de l’axeCoordinationContact
“Kinds” of data CoordinationEmilie Jouin, ICAR & Celine Dugua, LLLemilie.jouin[replace with_at]​celine.dugua[replace with_at]​
Existing tools and needsAnne-Lyse Minard, LLL​anne-lyse.minard[replace with_at]​
Directory of ethic review boardsMuriel Lalain, LPL & Catrin Bellay, LIDILEmuriel.lalain[replace with_at]​catrin.bellay[replace with_at]​
Network of experts in SDL corporaAliyah Morgenstern, PRISMESaliyah.morgenstern[replace with_at]​
Coordination with the Human Sciences network​​Caroline Cance, LLL & Emilie Masson, CNRScaroline.cance[replace with_at]univ-orleans.fremilie.masson[replace with_at]​